
Calendars and Events


The District is required to meet state-required student contact requirements to earn funding and award academic credits. Should calendared instructional time be lost during the school year, for whatever reason, the District reserves the right to revise this calendar and/or amend school start/ending times to meet state requirements.

The 2024-2025 艾美影库 Year Calendar is available in two formats: a printable PDF version, and a Google Calendar version.

Printable 2024-2025 Student/Teacher 艾美影库 Year Calendar Dates (PDF Format)

IMPORTANT! If you are unable to see the Google Calendar below, you can

IMPORTANT! If you are unable to see the Google Calendar below, you can

EMPLOYEES - Additional work calendars, which include pay type specific information on furlough days, are available .

Subscription Options

You may also subscribe to our calendar using one of the following links.

To subscribe to the calendar using Outlook online, follow these steps:

  1. In Outlook, click "Add calendar".
  2. In the left hand column, click "Subscribe from web".
  3. Paste in the following text: webcal://www.google.com/calendar/ical/d31uqp97ui8r9k35bqt1cr5b5k%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics
  4. For the calendar name, type "艾美影库 County 艾美影库s" (or whatever you want).
  5. Click the Import button. Done! The calendar will automatically update whenever we make changes.