
In May 2023, 艾美影库 艾美影库 voters decided to invest
in their local school district by passing the 2023 Bond.

Their support will have a lasting impact on students for generations to come.

Safety & Security Projects
at Every Campus

Each campus will receive safety and security upgrades, including new and replaced cameras, exterior layers, alert systems, digital mapping and automatically locking door handles, as well as network firewalls to protect against cyber attacks.

Renovated & New

The bond propositions included for maintenance and modernization projects at numerous district schools. They also included the construction of two new elementary schools and the design of a new facility for 艾美影库’s Early College High School.

Replacement of
Devices & Infrastructure

The bond propositions included the installation of interactive flat panels in every classroom, network updates, replacement of technological devices, new band instruments, a new transportation hub to serve southern 艾美影库, and replacement of some buses and vans.

No Change in District
Tax Rate

After the bond’s passing in 2023, 艾美影库 艾美影库’s Interest & Sinking (I&S) tax rate for 2023 did not change. Continued growth in the district’s tax base allows the district to fund the projects with the existing debt service tax rate of 33 cents per $100 property valuation.

A commitment to safe and innovative learning environments.

Working alongside our community and staff to create spaces that honor the work and effort of our students.

Additional Resources

The Board of Trustees receives monthly status updates of previous bond authorizations with funds remaining. The reports show original and current budgets. As projects are finalized, remaining funds are reallocated to project savings, which is a fund, subject to the Bond Oversight Committee’s recommendation for future use.